Sunday, July 24, 2005

Great yard sale find!

I was driving by a yard sale and my wife spotted an antique wardrobe for sale. I hopped out and looked at it but someone had claimed it, and said they would be back with cash to buy it. I looked at it anyway, and happened to catch the name (Marstall). We went home, and I couldn't help but google "marstall wardrobe". Turns out that Marstall was a reputable company that made high end wardrobes from 1893-1929. I went back to the yard sale (with cash and the pickup this time) and the piece was still there. I bought it and we loaded it into the pickup and took it home. It's a really cool well made piece of furniture and for the price I paid I'll soon be getting a digital camera (and maybe an iPod) when i sell it.


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